“How we spend our days…
All my live classes are taught using the Zoom app. You can download it for free! Once you register you, use the link here to join any class:
PLEASE NOTE: You will need a PASSWORD to gain entry into class. Email me, using the widgit at the bottom of this page, and I will send it to you. If we don’t know each other please include the name of the person who told you about class.
All classes will start on time but please try to join a few minutes early to arrive and settle.
All classes are recorded (but only my video portion, never any practitioners).
For your online practice you will want to have a thick folded blanket or towel. Yoga blocks are a great addition too. Two thick hardcover books can substitute for blocks (think Harry Potter or old-school dictionaries). For the Foundations practice, a strong chair can also be useful.
I create Playlists for all classes (except Foundations). Follow me on Spotify (Frank Wildermann) for free access to them. I will guide you to the appropriate playlist when class begins.
All classes are PAY WHAT YOU CAN (Suggested Donation: $15).
You can Venmo me at: @Frank-Wildermann or PayPal me at: paypal.me/frankwildermann1 (make sure you see my face in the circle!). If you don’t have the coins right now and still want to join and move that’s cool too.
(Can’t Make a Live Class? Check out my Catalog of On Demand Classes Available Anytime & Anywhere!!)
SUNDAYS Level 1 10:00-11:15am EST
TUESDAYS Foundations 1:00-2:00pm EST (No Experience Necessary!)
TUESDAYS Flow then Restore 6:00-7:15pm EST
SATURDAYS Level 2 10:00-11:15am EST
Foundations is for brand new students who have little or no experience with a yoga practice. It’s also a great re-introduction if you have been away from the practice for a few years. Expect lots of detailed instruction but also opportunities for a gentle flow.
Level 1 is for students who have some previous experience, who know what a down dog is and are comfortable with a gentle flow. The pace of this class is slow and steady with a solid amount of alignment instruction.
Level 2 is a more advanced practice for yogis who have been practicing at a Level 1 for at least a year. You should be familiar with catarunga into upward dog and the general alignment of the more basic postures. More complex postures such as arm balances and inversions may be offered.
Open Level is a blend of L1 and L2 and open to all students comfortable with a flow. It will offer options for more complex variations but only if you care to take them.
Flow then Restore is an Open Level class. The first ⅔’s of the class are generally more upright and flowing and will invigorate and energize. The last ⅓ is spent mostly on the ground in longer held shapes which invite deep release and relaxation. We will get creative with couch cushions, books, belts, etc. in place of yoga props for the Restore part of class.
…is how we spend our lives.”
-Annie Dillard